Network - Wi-Fi

wifi iconThe University of Nebraska provides network connectivity service through Wi-Fi (Wireless) to University resources and the internet. Secure access is available to guests, students, faculty, staff, and affiliates.

Getting Started

eduroam Wi-Fi

eduroam (education roaming) is a secure, world-wide Wi-Fi roaming access service for the international research and education community. eduroam is also the primary Wi-Fi network for University of Nebraska students, faculty, staff, and our peers from participating eduroam institutions. Connect to eduroam.

NU-Guest Wi-Fi

Guests may request a temporary 14-day account to access the internet while visiting the University of Nebraska. Connect as a guest.

If you're organizing a medium to large visiting group or conference at any University of Nebraska campus and need guest access to the wireless network, faculty and staff members can request a Guest login. After submitting your request, you'll receive a guest username and password specifically for your event. Request Guest Conference WiFi.

NU-IoT Wi-Fi

Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as game consoles, TVs, and other "smart" connected devices can be registered for network access by University of Nebraska students, faculty, and staff. Register an IoT Device.


 Students, faculty, staff, and guests are eligible for this service.


There is no charge for this service, which is considered a common-good service.


ITS Service Status


For the most efficient support experience, please submit a ticket using the request form on this page. Alternatively, contact your campus Help Center location via email, by phone, or in person. 

  • Kearney - 308-865-8363
  • Lincoln - 402-472-3970
  • Omaha - 402-554-4357
Conference Wi-Fi Request

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Instructions for connecting to the eduroam Wi-Fi network.
Instructions for connecting to the NU-Guest network
OnGuard is an application designed for personal (BYOD) computers to perform Baseline Security posture checks, allowing authentication to Medium Risk (Level 3) network segments while connected to Eduroam or a wired network on campus. This guide will detail the instructions for installing OnGuard to a macOS computer.
OnGuard is an application designed for personal (BYOD) computers to perform Baseline Security posture checks, allowing authentication to Medium Risk (Level 3) network segments while connected to Eduroam or a wired network on campus. This guide will detail the instructions for installing OnGuard to a Windows computer.
This article helps explain how to register a device in the University of Nebraska IoT Portal

Service Offerings (1)

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